480+ Stupid Funny Gag Gift Ideas

Find those wonderful humorous stuff that will make anyone burst into laughter in this epic list of funny cool things you can buy online. From fun novelty items to over the top horribly silly gifts and everything in between.

How to Poo at Work

Doing the twosies at work can be a challenge even for the most hardworking employee. If you don’t know the intricacies of doing #2 at work, you’re…

Accoutrements Tentacle Mustache

Whether you are looking for a good novelty disguise, simple Halloween costume or just going through your first blind date, reality will sink in. You’l…

Stylish Pink Mustaches for Girls

Get instant transformation from a boring old woman to a hairy pink goddess when you use the Stylish Pink Mustaches for Girls. 7 Hairy styles, one crea…

Accoutrements Modest Urn

Say goodbye to expensive luxurious urns with the Modest Urn, the answer for burying cheap dead loved ones, because you know they wanted it to be like …

Burnt Impression Selfie Toaster

People who love selfies so much are usually criticized when they take selfies first thing in the morning, ahead of even eating breakfast. With the Sel…

The Great Garden Gnome Massacre

As far as lawn ornaments go, garden gnomes are pretty much the most popular. It has come to the point where all the fame has gone to their heads and t…

Bacon Gift Wrap

Bacon almost always makes everything better when it comes to food. But did you know that it also applies to gifts as well? The Bacon Gift Wrap is a go…

Angry Little Scarface Garden Gnome

Don’t leave your lawn unprotected from imaginary creatures such as invading dwarves, pink flamingos, or even elves. Get the Angry Little Scarface Ga…

Skeleton Flash Drive

Say goodbye to those boring rectangular flash drives because the Skeleton Flash Drive is here to guard all of your precious files. This cute little sk…

Animal Planet Dinosaur Dog Costumes

Can’t find a half decent costume for your pet? How about the Dinosaur Dog Costumes by Animal Planet. They make your cute lovable dog even more cuter. …

Rock, Paper, Scissors Mug Set

This novelty mug set was made to remind us of how important the legendary game of Rock, Paper, Scissors is, for entertaining generations and generatio…

Mr. And Mrs. Luggage Tags

What makes this product so cool is the truth in its simple humor. The Mr. and Mrs. Luggage Tags is usually bought as a gift for newly weds but we thin…

Ninja Star Coat Hook

Learn from the subtle ways of ninja interior design and use your Japanese shurikens as Ninja Star Coat Hooks. No one is gonna mess with you when they …

j-me His and Hers Key Holders

If you and a partner keep mixing up your keys, the His and Hers Key Holders will give you a funny and irreverent way of preventing future mix-ups. Eac…

Beard Beer Can Koozie

Drinking beer in cans is already seen as a very manly activity. So what do you do if you want to show that you’re manlier than the other men? You us…