330+ Cool Things To Buy Under 10 Dollars
Here is a list of cool things to buy online for just $10! Find awesome but cheap gifts and affordable stuff that will quickly satisfy your shopaholic cravings, each product for just under 10 bucks!

Waste Paper Head DIY Paper Panda Mask
Instead of wearing a paper bag over your head every time you are experiencing a bad hair day, why not wear a paper panda? Waste Paper Head DIY Paper P…

Waku Design X-Ray Deck of Cards
You should already know by now that size doesn’t matter. If you are still in doubt look at the X-Ray Deck of Cards. They are smaller than regular play…

Vintage Loser Glow in the Dark Alien Specimen in a Bottle
As countless Internet memes have already proven, many of the mysteries in life can be solved with a simple answer: ALIENS! So if you want a ready made…

Venus Flytrap Carnivorous Plant
Hey, some plants need meat too! Well in the form of bugs to be exact. So don’t go on the assumption of that sun, dirt and water are enough to keep eve…

Veggetti Spiral Vegetable Slicer
Cut carbs by shredding veggies with this innovative take on the vegetable spiralizer. With two thickness options, it’s easy and fun to crank out fre…

Unicorns Are Jerks: A Coloring Book
Adult coloring books are a dime-a-dozen these days but there are people who refuse to try them, out of fear that they’ll look immature. If you’re …

Understand Rap: Explanations of Confusing Rap Lyrics
If you envy people who understand rap culture but can’t join in because the lyrics in rap songs confound you, you need a copy of Understanding Rap. …

Twstd Glow Light Up Mushroom Hat
One of the most iconic power ups in video game history is the mushroom from Super Mario Bros., which makes characters grow into gigantic proportions. …

Twisting Jello Shot Plastic Cup
Jello shots are fun and all, but they also lead to messy disasters and sticky fingers. To avoid this from happening and grossing people out, you’ll ne…

Tweexy Wearable Nail Polish Holder
There are times when you need to apply (or reapply) nail polish, but these situations can happen in times and places where you don’t have access to …

Tweak Flexible Kitchen Sink Strainer
Washing dishes is supposedly an easy task but not when your sink starts clogging up due to tiny residues. Strain them out to avoid future blocks with …

True Utility Fire Stash Key Ring
Enjoy the benefits of having a key chain and a lighter in one. The Fire Stash Key Ring allows you to have two items in just one go. Use it to hold you…

TruBee Raw Seasonal Honey
Can you imagine the rich vintage flavor of nectar and pollen in your honey? Don’t take any chances with just a honey syrup and make sure it’s purely o…

Tornasol Pacifier Pom Pom Earrings
Cheerleaders are the ultimate symbols of pep and energy. But instead of bouncing around and possibly injuring yourself, you can instead look a little …

Tongue 2 Teeth Disposable Tongue Mounted Toothbrush
You have a meeting with an important client in five minutes and your teeth and tongue feel like they are coated in slime. Just slide Tongue 2 Teeth on…

Toilet Tweets Donald Trump Classic Tweets Toilet Paper
It’s about time somebody did something useful with Trumps tweets. They’ve made them into Toilet Tweets Donald Trump Classic Tweets Toilet Paper, o…

Thumbsup iSoldier Phone Stand
Once again your nostalgic green hero comes to your rescue. The iSoldier Phone Stand in all of its glory will help your phone and any other mobile devi…

ThinkGeek USB Pet Rock
Bring a much loved retro classic into today with the USB Pet Rock. This blast from the past meets the modern era with an integrated USB cable that mea…
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