480+ Stupid Funny Gag Gift Ideas

Find those wonderful humorous stuff that will make anyone burst into laughter in this epic list of funny cool things you can buy online. From fun novelty items to over the top horribly silly gifts and everything in between.

Fresh Face Air Freshener

If you’re looking for a car air freshener that looks unique and fun, the Fresh face Air Freshener is the item to get. Unlike normal air fresheners t…

Rommy De Bommy Waffle Bowtie

When you want to look delicious and tasty enough to be eaten for breakfast, you have to wear something like the Rommy De Bommy Waffle Bowtie. As the n…

Hoshi-zora Star-filled Envelope

Giving gifts to friends can be unnerving at times specially when monetary value is irrelevant. You have to really think about the actual value of the …

Billion Dollar Bills from Zimbabwe

You can finally brag to your friends about being a billionaire… well, a billionaire in Zimbabwe that is! Coming straight from their government, thes…

Melgarita XXL Bat Wing Sweatshirt

Everybody wants to be Batman, but unless you have a billion dollars and a lot of spare time for training, you can’t be the dark knight. However, the…

aKNITomy Knitted Alien Autopsy

What do humans do when they encounter alien life forms? Dissect and study it of course! While you don’t have a real alien life form handy nor the ab…