480+ Stupid Funny Gag Gift Ideas

Find those wonderful humorous stuff that will make anyone burst into laughter in this epic list of funny cool things you can buy online. From fun novelty items to over the top horribly silly gifts and everything in between.

Fred Oh Snap Mousetrap Cheese Board

Having a cheese party without the Oh Snap Mousetrap Cheese Board? Don’t make that rookie mistake and always be sure bring out the giant mousetrap. Mad…

Spinning Hat Gay Bar Soap

Real men can sometimes use a little gay bar to clean up their act. With all the sweaty activities a manly body goes through, a little pink fragrant so…

Where’s The Zombie Book

With all the biting, scratching and panicking going around can you calmly spot the undead? It takes a lot of courage, focus and determination to brows…

Outlaw Soaps Bacon Soap

When you first see this red meaty delight you’ll know it’s the real deal. There is a saying – if it looks like a bacon, smells like a bacon and it’s i…

Snurk Astronaut Duvet Cover

Your kid is in for the dream of his life in 3, 2, 1 and blastoff! That’s what it feels like to sleep underneath the Astronaut Duvet Cover. It is made…

Shakespeare Insult Generator Book

For a more refined and memorable cursing experience try the Shakespeare Insult Generator Book for a change. It contains 162 vocabulary flash cards for…

Cereal Killer Spoon

Maybe you can no longer count the boxes of cereals you have finished ever since you tasted your first bowl. Like the others, at first you were hesitan…

Meninos Zombie Food Party Picks

Those poor tasty treats never stood a chance. They never knew what was coming until it was too late. Once the Zombie Food Party Picks makes contact wi…

Condiment Dispenser Gun

Once you see a mouthwatering hot dog there is only one thing to do, pull the trigger and shoot that mustard! With the red Condiment Dispenser Gun righ…

Cards Against Humanity

There are a lot of fun games you can play with the whole family and trust us when we say that the Cards Against Humanity is not one of them. Unless th…