290+ Cool Things To Buy Under 20 Dollars
See all the cool stuff you can buy for under $20, made for people who are looking for cheap but still awesome gifts ideas online. Check out these unique products that twenty bucks can get you!

Resin Store Faucet LED Night Light
This unique night light is perfect for man caves, hallways or even in children’s bedrooms. If you’re looking for a light that doesn’t require wa…

Raw Olive Butterbeer Organic Sugar Scrub
If you’re a fan of the Harry Potter movies or books, you may have wondered what butterbeer tastes like. You won’t know because it’s a work of fi…

Raising Unicorns
Raising Unicorns is a book that will teach you the ins and outs of this competitive elf dominated market, from picking out the right breed to choosing…

Quick Shoelace No Tie Shoelaces
Tying your shoes. Is it the longest, most arduous and least satisfying of your daily chores? You know it is! It’s unbearable! Yeesh! Finally, there is…

Progressive Microwavable S’Mores Maker
Now you don’t have to go outdoors and set up a campfire to enjoy your favorite treat. Just fill up the Microwavable S’Mores Maker with water and micro…

Praying Mantis Egg Case
These stick insects will make you cringe but did you know that they make good protectors for your garden? If your garden is infested with different pe…

Portable USB LED Fan Clock
Don’t let the hot weather stress you out while working. And when it’s time to go, don’t get left behind. The Portable USB LED Fan Clock keeps yo…

Pongtu Disposable Toilet Sticker Plunger
It’s a job we all hate but someone has to do it. Say goodbye to your stinky toilet plunger and use Pongtu Disposable Toilet Sticker Plunger instead….

Plasticolor Star Wars Accordion Sunshade
There are a lot of mediocre shades to choose from to protect your car’s interior from the sun’s unforgiving heat rays. And then there is the Star Wars…

Plant Theatre Cocktail Garden Kit
If you love drinking cocktails, you know that finding the right plants and herbs to garnish your drink can be difficult and expensive. How about growi…

Plaid Pigeon Mac The Planted T-Rex Toy Planter
Introduce a little bit of prehistoric irony at home with the Plaid Pigeon Mac the Planted T-Rex Toy Planter, which lets you grow small plants on the b…

Pizzacraft Grilled Pizza Cone Set
Ever since they invented ice cream pies, the possibility of the pizza camp striking back is pretty much a given. And now, Pizzacraft Grilled Pizza Con…

Pixel and Print 3D Printed Skull Shower Head
Do you want to know how it feels like to be cleaned with a T-Rex’s saliva? Well you can’t. Sorry for keeping your hopes up, but you can achieve an alm…

Pillow Tie
There’s nothing better than sleeping after a hard day’s work. However, office chairs are always uncomfortable and tables are hard to sleep on. How…

Photojojo Camera Cookie Cutter Set
Taste is just one part of the equation when it comes to how good a cookie is. What it looks like also plays a part, and usually needs to match the per…

Permaculture Playing Cards
Learn more about creating sustainable and self sufficient ecosystems with the help of the Permaculture Playing Cards. It’s basically like a book insid…

Penny Portrait Abe Lincoln Poster
A great orator, leader, and the person responsible for ending slavery, Abraham Lincoln is one of the most important American to have ever lived. And w…

Peleg Design Sumo Egg Cups
There’s really not much point to cracking eggs, it’s just a boring task needed to get the useful parts out of the shell. The Sumo Egg Cups changes…
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