L’Atelier Virgile Wood Beard Mirror
Have you looked in the mirror lately and lamented your lack of facial hair? It’s about time you welcome the Wood Beard Mirror on your wall, as it feat…
Have you looked in the mirror lately and lamented your lack of facial hair? It’s about time you welcome the Wood Beard Mirror on your wall, as it feat…
The only thing more satisfying than a cheeseburger is a pair of shoes that look like them. Juicebox Arts Cheeseburger Shoes are custom made Vans that …
If you want your wall to boldly go where no art piece has ever gone before, you need the Zteven Star Trek Framed Retro Pop Art Soup. This weird piece …
If you love growing your own food but you’re short on space Garden Tower Project Garden Tower 2 has got you covered. This rotating garden tower can …
Surprise your guests with a crocodile that is about to take all of your wine. This unique Crocodile Wine Bottle Holder by Collections Etc. is sure to …
A conventional wallet is useful, but a better one is versatile, specially when it comes to storing and doing all kind of things. And because of this, …
With the Shreddies Flatulence Filtering Underwear you can fart like there’s no tomorrow and still smell like fresh roses in the middle of summer. Alth…
If you love Alice in Wonderland then you will love this Mad Hatter Taxidermy Mouse by Le Heart. Handmade, this mouse and pedestal measures 5.5 inches …
There’s really no excuse to have a boring old lamp in your house when you can have something as amazing as the Artype Steampunk Robot Lamp ED-X01. T…
Everybody loves cats because they’re cute, fluffy, and full of self-confidence. Unfortunately, the feeling is not mutual and cats won’t accompany …
What do humans do when they encounter alien life forms? Dissect and study it of course! While you don’t have a real alien life form handy nor the ab…
Most minibars are boring, which isn’t really a problem if you’re only there for the drinks, but if you’re alone and don’t want to feel even more lone…