Coonan Triple Threat Vampire/Werewolf/Zombie Neutralizing Kit

Ultimate protection for the 3 most common supernaturals.

If you consider yourself a budding hunter of ghoulish and undead creatures, then you have to be well-equipped with the appropriate tools and ammunition. Standard bullets will rarely cut it for these bloodthirsty beings, so you’re going to need the Triple Threat Vampire/Werewolf/Zombie Neutralizing Kit. This is an ash wood vampire stake containing 8 .357 silver bullets that’s sure to kill anything that goes bump in the night. These bullets make up a full round for your pistol, letting you dispose of your enemies at a distance. But if you eventually run out of them, you can always get up close and personal with the stake.
$26 – $30
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It’s a wooden stake with silver bullets

There’s no telling when a mysterious dark portal opens up and lets vampires and werewolves into our world; or perhaps even when a viral outbreak turns our population into mindless zombies. So the gunmakers over at Coonan Inc. took it upon themselves to come up with a deadly solution for such an occasion.

The Triple Threat Vampire/Werewolf/Zombie Neutralizing Kit is, as you may have guessed from its name, comes with a unique set of magnum jacketed silver bullets that do what standard bullets don’t do: kill vampires, werewolves, and zombies.

Load them into your 1911 pistol and you’re ready to go hunt the hordes of darkness.

Awesome product features

  • Pure natural silver: This Triple Threat Vampire/Werewolf/Zombie Hunting Kit is just what you need to hunt the things that go bump in the night. The 8 .357 bullets included in the kit are jacketed in 99% silver. That means, they’ve got enough stopping power to take down vampires, werewolves, and zombies.
  • Deadly wooden stake: The bullets are packaged in an ash wood vampire stake, which you can, of course, use as a melee weapon. It’s pretty as much as it’s deadly. It’s also worth displaying for it’s fine wooden finish, but when it’s time to kill vampires, this is your best friend.
  • Authentic gun bullets: That’s right, they’re real bullets that you can use with your Coonan automatic Magnum pistol. Though, we suggest saving it for when you do actually encounter some spooky creatures.

Who will appreciate this as a gift

Most gun collectors and enthusiasts probably have loads of weapons and ammo for using and displaying alike. What they might not have are silver bullets that can put an end to the mythical creatures that grace movie screens…and haunt your dreams.

The Triple Threat Vampire/Werewolf/Zombie Neutralizing Kit is the perfect gift for gun lovers, who also are fans of the supernatural. It’s an awesome display piece that can strike up a conversation about the impending apocalypse. It might also be great for someone who just hates vampires, zombies and werewolves, whether they’re real or fictional. Because nothing screams, “I eat vampires, furry monsters and mindless walkers for breakfast,” louder than silver bullets and a wooden stake.

Because you need to know

Can I use the bullets with other guns?

Yes, the bullets are .357s and work with any gun that uses that type of ammo such as a Model 627 or a COP .357 Derringer.

Do the bullets actually neutralize vampires, werewolves, and zombies?

Well, from numerous horror movies and TV shows out there, we firmly believe so. But no one we know personally have ever met an actual vampire, werewolf, or zombie yet, so it’s really hard to say. But we’ll try it out when the time comes and update this answer.

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